Candidate Skill Match Score

Candidate take a voice based interview answering questions that help assess the skill of the candidate. Answers are recorded and checked against industry best answers to provide a score for fitment. This report generated using Skill IQ’s AI skill matching algorithms for identify best qualified candidates gives an idea to the hiring manager if the candidate skills match the job role being hired for.

This report is better than resume matching conducted by job platforms because the resumes can be optimised for keywords. However Interviews on Skill IQ are voice based and proctored with no room to cheat and hence the managers can get an accurate idea of the candidate skill sets using this latest HR technology platform in your screening and recruitment strategy.

Automated Screening Interviews

The round 1 of interviews during the initial screening rounds can be automated with candidates being asked to answer questions on the skill sets mentioned in their resume. This can be additional step post resume matching or resume matching can be skipped all togethor and all candidates can simply be asked to give automated interviews with Skill IQ.

HR teams send interview links to the candidates and candidates simply take the interviews at their convenience. After they take the interview, you get their score, letting you know if the talent matches the need of your job role. This way HR tech platforms like Skill IQ help reduce costs and optimise the hiring process.

Share Candidate Feedback with Hiring managers

All Candidate feedback reports are sharable to management, who can take decisions on candidates next round of Interviews

Transparent feedback to Candidate

Candidate gets to know his skill levels and will be fully aware of the reasons if he does not proceed to the next round. As a company, you will be able to provide detailed feedback to every candidate, hence improving your employer brand.